Monday, March 29, 2010

xos – NetLogin w/ Local MAC Authentication

# --------------------------
# unconfigure switch and reboot
# --------------------------

unconfigure switch all

# --------------------------
# answer the questions after the reboot
# --------------------------


# --------------------------
# create local variables
# --------------------------

enable cli scripting
set var targetPort     $READ(Please enter the port to which the PC is connected:)
set var userVLAN       $READ(Please enter the name for the user VLAN:)
set var ipAddressMask  $READ(Please enter the IP address and mask ( xx) for the user VLAN:)
set var netLoginVLAN   $READ(Please enter the name of the Net Login VLAN:)
set var pc_mac_address $READ(Please enter the MAC address of the PC to be used for this exercise:)
set var pc_mac_address XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX 

# --------------------------
# disable all ports and remove all ports from default vlan
# --------------------------

disable ports all
configure vlan default delete port all

# --------------------------
# setup default vlan to support the NetLogin Client
# --------------------------

configure vlan default add port $targetPort
enable $targetPort
unconfigure vlan default ipaddress
configure vlan default ipaddress $ipAddressMask
configure snmp sysname $systemName
save configuration $systemName

# --------------------------
# configure netlogin vlan
# --------------------------

# Create a VLAN to support the Network Login service.
create vlan $netLoginVLAN

# Associate the VLAN to the Network Login Service.
configure netlogin vlan $netLoginVLAN

# --------------------------
# configure MAC address authentication
# --------------------------

# enable the netlogin mac service
enable netlogin mac

# configure system to use the local auth. database
configure netlogin mac authentication database-order local

# enable the netlogin service on a port
enable netlogin $targetPort mac

# --------------------------
# add mac address to local database

# --------------------------

# Add the MAC addresses to the local database. MAC addresses are
# entered using the colon as a separator. For example, 00:00:05:00:FB:01.
configure netlogin add mac-list $pc_mac_address

# Add MAC-based users to the local database. When entering the following
# command, you will substitute the user-name and password options with the
# MAC address of the IP phone. When entering the MAC address, enter the MAC
# address used in the last step, omitting the colon (:) character. For
# instance, the MAC address from the example above would be entered as
# 00000500FB01.

create netlogin local-user $macuser-name $macuser-password

Friday, March 19, 2010

Linux - PING Image Installation Using a CIFS / SAMBA

  1. Boot off of PING disk.  You may have to create a PING CD before you start this process.  The PING CD .ISO is located at:
  2. Hit enter key
  3. Press OK at welcome screen
  4. Select Reboot the system
  5. Network Share
  6. Select CIFS
  7. Enter IP address of PC hosting the images and press enter
  8. Enter the sharename on the PC (ex: Disk-Images) and press enter
  9. Enter your username on the network (ex:  domain\user ) and press the enter key.
  10. Enter your current password and press enter
  11. Choose the "### CHOOSE THIS if you want a RESTORATION ####" option
  12. Enter the directory where the file is located (ex: \PartImage).  Do not put in the filename.
  13. Select the image you wish to restore (ex:  sandbox-20090826)
  14. Choose yes to restore the bios
  15. Choose yes to extend the partition
  16. The image restore process should now start

Linux - Removing partitions from a Linux System

I needed to remove partitions from a Linux system in order to install windows.  Here is how I did it.

  1. Boot the device from the Ubuntu installation CD.  Ubuntu ISO images are located at:
    You may have to enter the system's setup in order to make the device boot from the CD-ROM drive.
  2. Choose English as the language
  3. Use the arrow keys to select the "Install Ubuntu" menu option
  4. Press the F4 key
  5. Select "Safe Graphics Mode"
  6. After Ubuntu boots up, quit the installation process.  This will bring you to an Ubuntu desktop.
  7. Select the "System->Administration->Partition Editor" option from the menu at the top of the screen.
  8. Delete all partitions (extended and normal) so that there is only one partition remaining.
  9. Apply the changes
  10. Close the Partition Editor
  11. Restart the system by clicking on the power on icon in the upper-right hand corner of the screen and selecting restart.

Friday, March 12, 2010

AP3500/AP4700 – Controller Discovery using Static IP

1.  Access the AP through the serial port
2.  Set the AP to default values using these commands:

3.  When prompted, enter yes.
4.  Type the following commands
set auto-discovery enable
set interface lan1
set ipadr 1 <controller_ip>

set ip-mode 1 static
set ipadr 1 <ap_ip>
set mask 1 <ap_ip_subnet>
set dgw 1 <ap_default_gateway>
set lan 1 enable

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

WM3000 Controller – Image Management

! ---------------------
! Select the image to load at next reboot
! ---------------------
configure terminal
boot system [ primary | secondary]
! ---------------------
! show current image
! ---------------------
show boot 

WM3000 Controller – Default Values

! ------------------------------------
! Login
! ------------------------------------

WM3600 login: cli

User Access Verification

Username: admin
Password: admin123

! ------------------------------------
! IP Management Port
! ------------------------------------

wm3600 / wm3700 management port /

wm3400  LAN ports /

! ------------------------------------
! serial port
! ------------------------------------

19.2 kbps,n,8,1,none

WM3000 Controller - Setting an IP address using CLI.

! ------------------------
! setting an ip address on a WM3000
! ------------------------
configure terminal
interface me1
ip address <ipAddress>/<subnetMsasBits>
ip default-gateway <ip>
write memory

WM3000 Controller – Downloading New SW

upgrade tftp://<hostname|IP>[:port]/path/file
upgrade ftp://<user>:<passwd>@<hostname|IP>[:port]/path/file
upgrade sftp://<user>@<hostname|IP>[:port]>/path/file
upgrade cf:/path/file
upgrade usb1:/path/file
upgrade usb2:/path/file