Friday, November 13, 2009

Configuring File Sharing over SSH through OpenGear Comm Server

With the current configuration of the lab, you cannot access the file directories on directly.  You must access them through the comm server using an SSH tunnel.  Here are the steps.

# ------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# Install Patch from Microsoft
# ------------------------------------------------------------------- #

1.  Go to the following location and install this patch

# ------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# Add a virtual adapter to your PC
# ------------------------------------------------------------------- #

To add a virtual network adapter in Windows, use the following steps:

1.  In the Control Panel click on Add Hardware.

2.  In the Add Hardware Wizard, select "Yes, I have already connected the hardware" and click Next.

3.  Scroll down the list and click on "Add a new hardware device".

4.  Select "Install the hardware that I manually select from a list".

5.  From the hardware types, select Network Adapters and choose Microsoft Loopback Adapter.

6.  Complete the installation procedure.

# ------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# Configure the Virtual Adapter
# ------------------------------------------------------------------- #

To configure the virtual adapter, use the following steps:

1.  Go to Network Connections configuration panel.

2.  Right click on the Microsoft Loopback Adapter and select Properties.

3.  In the "This connection uses the following items:" selection box, make sure that "File and Printer Sharing for Microsoft Networks" is unselected.

4.  Select Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) and click on the Properties button.

5.  Check "Use the following IP address" option and enter the following IP address:

    IP Address :
    Subnet Mask:

    Note:  Do not configure a gateway or DNS server for this adapter.

6.  Click on the Advanced button and in the WINS tab, select "Disable NetBIOS over TCP/IP".

# ------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# Configure the SSH tunnel on Putty
# ------------------------------------------------------------------- #

1.  Load putty

2.  Load the RD_X session configuration.  Do not open it.

3.  Select the Connections->SSH->Tunnels item from the left-side menu.

4.  Enter the following into the source port input box:

    Note:  even though the box is small, this will work.

5.  Enter the following into the destination port input box:

    Note:  even though the box is small, this will work.

6.  Make sure that the following two radio buttons are selected:

    o  Local
    o  IPv4

7.  Make sure the "Local ports accept connections from other hosts" option is selected.

8.  Click the "Add" button.

8.  Save the session configuration.

# ------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# Configure the SSH tunnel on the comm server
# ------------------------------------------------------------------- #

1.  Access the comm server and login:

2.  Select "Network Hosts" from the left side menu

3.  Add the following ports to the permitted services:

    o  139 (udp)
    o  139 (tcp)

4.  Apply the configuration

# ------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# Accessing through the SSH tunnel
# ------------------------------------------------------------------- #

1.  Start Putty.

2.  Open the RD-X session profile.

3.  Start windows explorer.

4.  Enter \\ in the address input box.

You should now see the shares available on

Thursday, October 15, 2009

DB9 DTE to RJ45 Modular Connector Pinouts


This minimum wiring will work to connect a DTE to the RJ45 cable of an Cisco 2500 Access Server.

DB9 RJ45 Connector Wire Color
2 6 Yellow
3 3 Black
5 5 Red



In theory, the following table provides you with a complete wiring scheme to connect a DB9 equipped DTE to an RJ45 cable of a Cisco 2500 Access Server.

DB9 RJ45 Connector Wire Color
1 /  
2 6 Yellow
3 3 Black
4 2 Orange
5 4 / 5* Red / Green*
6 7 Brown
7 1 Blue
8 8 White
9 /  


Saturday, July 18, 2009

MAC-Based (Local) Network Login

# ------------------------------------------------
# MAC-Based (Local) Network Login
# Displaying Network Login Settings
# show netlogin {port <port_list> vlan <vlan_name>
# {dot1x{detail}} {mac} {web-based}
# --------------------

show netlogin mac
show netlogin mac-list

# --------------------
# ceate netlogin vlan
# --------------------

create vlan netlogin_vlan
configure netlogin vlan netlogin_vlan
enable netlogin mac
configure netlogin mac authentication database-order local radius

# --------------------
# Port Enable / Disable
# --------------------

enable netlogin ports <port_list> mac
enable ports
# disable netlogin ports <port_list> mac

# --------------------
# Add mac address to local database
#  configure netlogin add mac-list [<mac> {<mask>} | default]
#  {encrypted} {<password>} {ports <port_list>}
# --------------------

configure netlogin add mac-list <pc_mac_address>

# --------------------
# delete mac address from local database
#  configure netlogin delete mac-list [<mac> {<mask>} | default]
# --------------------

configure netlogin delete mac-list xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx

configure netlogin mac timers reauth-period 30
configure netlogin ports 19 mac
Network Login using Local MAC Address Configuration
# ------------------------
# View current configuration
# ------------------------

  show netlogin

# ------------------------
# Create a Network Login VLAN
# ------------------------

  create vlan "netlogin_vlan"

# ------------------------
# Assign a VLAN to Network Login
# ------------------------

  configure netlogin vlan "netlogin_vlan"

# ------------------------
# Enable MAC-based Network Login Feature on switch
# ------------------------

  enable netlogin mac

# ------------------------
# Enable MAC-based Network Login Feature on port
# ------------------------

  enable netlogin ports 19 mac

# ------------------------
# Specify that the local database will be used for authentication
# ------------------------

  configure netlogin mac authentication database-order local

# ------------------------
# Add MAC-based users to the local database
# ------------------------

  create netlogin local-user 0050B60193ED 0050B60193ED

# ------------------------
# Verify Configuration
# ------------------------

  show network mac

VLAB-R1-X450-24t.17 # show netlogin mac

NetLogin Authentication Mode : web-based DISABLED;  802.1x DISABLED;  mac-based ENABLED
NetLogin VLAN                : "netlogin_vlan"
NetLogin move-fail-action    : Deny
NetLogin Client Aging Time   : 5 minutes
Dynamic VLAN Creation        : Disabled
Dynamic VLAN Uplink Ports    : None

          MAC Mode Global Configuration

MAC Address/Mask      Password (encrypted)            Port(s)
--------------------  ------------------------------  ------------------------
00:0F:1F:C5:61:FC/48  <not configured>                any
00:50:B6:01:93:ED/48  <not configured>                any
Default               <not configured>                any

Re-authentication period        : 30
Authentication Database         : Local-User database

Port: 17,  Vlan: Default,  State: Enabled,  Authentication: mac-based,  Guest Vlan <Not Configured>: Disabled,  Auth Failure Vlan <Not Configured>: Disabled,  Auth Service-Unavailable Vlan <Not Configured>: Disabled

MAC                IP address       Authenticated  Type    ReAuth-Timer   User
00:50:b6:01:93:ed          Yes, Locally   MAC     9              0050B60193ED

Port: 19,  Vlan: netlogin_vlan,  State: Enabled,  Authentication: mac-based,  Guest Vlan <Not Configured>: Disabled,  Auth Failure Vlan <Not Configured>: Disabled,  Auth Service-Unavailable Vlan <Not Configured>: Disabled

MAC                IP address       Authenticated  Type    ReAuth-Timer   User

VLAB-R1-X450-24t.17 #

# --------------------
# Configuration Information for VLAN corp
# No VLAN-ID is associated with VLAN corp.
# --------------------

  configure vlan "corp_vlan" ipaddress

# --------------------
# Network Login Configuration
# --------------------

configure netlogin vlan "netlogin_vlan"
enable netlogin mac
enable netlogin ports 15 mac
configure netlogin add mac-list 00:0F:1F:C5:61:FC
configure netlogin add mac-list 00:50:b6:01:93:ed

configure netlogin delete mac-list 00:0F:1F:C5:61:FC
configure netlogin delete mac-list 00:50:B6:01:93:ED

configure netlogin timers reauth-period 30

create netlogin local-user 0050B60193ED 0050B60193ED

# --------------------
# RADIUS Configuration
# --------------------

show netlogin

Configuration saved to primary.cfg successfully.
(.18)VLAB-R1-X350-24t.10 # show netlogin

NetLogin Authentication Mode : web-based DISABLED;  802.1x DISABLED;  mac-based ENABLED
NetLogin VLAN                : "netlogin_vlan"
NetLogin move-fail-action    : Deny
NetLogin Client Aging Time   : 5 minutes
Dynamic VLAN Creation        : Disabled
Dynamic VLAN Uplink Ports    : None

        Web-based Mode Global Configuration
Base-URL                 :
Default-Redirect-Page    : ENABLED;
Logout-privilege         : YES
Netlogin Session-Refresh : ENABLED; 3 minute(s) 0 second(s)
Refresh failures allowed : 0
Reauthenticate on refresh: Disabled
Authentication Database  : Radius, Local-User database
Proxy Ports              : 80(http),443(https)

        802.1x Mode Global Configuration
Quiet Period                    : 60
Supplicant Response Timeout     : 30
Re-authentication period        : 3600
Max Re-authentications          : 3
RADIUS server timeout           : 30
EAPOL MPDU version to transmit  : v1
Authentication Database         : Radius

          MAC Mode Global Configuration

MAC Address/Mask      Password (encrypted)            Port(s)
--------------------  ------------------------------  ------------------------
00:1C:23:0F:0A:45/48  <not configured>                any

Re-authentication period        : 0 (Re-authentication disabled)
Authentication Database         : Local-User database

Port: 24,  Vlan: Default,  State: Enabled,  Authentication: mac-based
Guest Vlan <Not Configured>: Disabled
Authentication Failure Vlan <Not Configured>: Disabled
Authentication Service-Unavailable Vlan <Not Configured>: Disabled

MAC                IP address       Authenticated  Type    ReAuth-Timer   User
00:1c:23:0f:0a:45     Yes, Locally   MAC     0              001C230F0A45

show netlogin mac

(.18)VLAB-R1-X350-24t.11 # show netlogin mac

NetLogin Authentication Mode : web-based DISABLED;  802.1x DISABLED;  mac-based ENABLED
NetLogin VLAN                : "netlogin_vlan"
NetLogin move-fail-action    : Deny
NetLogin Client Aging Time   : 5 minutes
Dynamic VLAN Creation        : Disabled
Dynamic VLAN Uplink Ports    : None

          MAC Mode Global Configuration

MAC Address/Mask      Password (encrypted)            Port(s)
--------------------  ------------------------------  ------------------------
00:1C:23:0F:0A:45/48  <not configured>                any

Re-authentication period        : 0 (Re-authentication disabled)
Authentication Database         : Local-User database

Port: 24,  Vlan: Default,  State: Enabled,  Authentication: mac-based
Guest Vlan <Not Configured>: Disabled
Authentication Failure Vlan <Not Configured>: Disabled
Authentication Service-Unavailable Vlan <Not Configured>: Disabled

MAC                IP address       Authenticated  Type    ReAuth-Timer   User
00:1c:23:0f:0a:45     Yes, Locally   MAC     0              001C230F0A45

show netlogin port 24
(.18)VLAB-R1-X350-24t.12 # show netlogin port 24
Port                          : 24
Port Restart                  : Disabled
Allow Egress                  : None
Vlan                          : Default
Authentication                : mac-based
Port State                    : Enabled
Guest Vlan                    : Disabled
Auth Failure Vlan             : Disabled
Auth Service-Unavailable Vlan : Disabled

MAC                IP address       Authenticated  Type    ReAuth-Timer   User
00:1c:23:0f:0a:45     Yes, Locally   MAC     0              001C230F0A45

show log messages memory-buffer

(.18)VLAB-R1-X350-24t.13 # show log messages memory-buffer
04/22/2008 20:55:44.62 <Info:AAA.authPass> Login passed for user admin through serial
04/22/2008 20:43:26.99 <Noti:DM.Notice> Setting hwclock time to system time, and broadcasting time
04/22/2008 20:42:19.49 <Info:nl.ClientAuthenticated> Network Login MAC user 001C230F0A45 logged in MAC 00:1C:23:0F:0A:45 port 24 VLAN(s) "Default", authentication Locally
04/22/2008 20:42:14.61 <Info:vlan.msgs.portLinkStateUp> Port 24 link UP at speed 1 Gbps and full-duplex
04/22/2008 20:42:12.35 <Info:HAL.Sys.Info> Internal power supply operational.
04/22/2008 20:42:12.18 <Info:vlan.msgs.portLinkStateUp> Port Mgmt link UP at speed 100 Mbps and full-duplex
04/22/2008 20:42:12.17 <Info:HAL.Card.Info> Switch is operational
04/22/2008 20:42:07.92 <Noti:EPM.system_stable> System is stable. Change to warm reset mode
04/22/2008 20:42:04.57 <Info:EPM.wdg_enable> Watchdog enabled
04/22/2008 20:41:54.87 <Info:DOSProt.Init> DOS protect application started successfully
04/22/2008 20:41:54.84 <> **** telnetd started *****
04/22/2008 20:41:50.52 <Noti:DM.Notice> Node State[3] = OPERATIONAL
04/22/2008 20:41:50.22 <> **** tftpd started *****
04/22/2008 20:41:47.31 <Info:nl.init> Network Login framework has been initialized
04/22/2008 20:41:47.02 <Noti:DM.Notice> Node State[2] = STANDBY
04/22/2008 20:41:47.02 <Info:DM.Info> Node INIT DONE ....
04/22/2008 20:41:46.51 <Noti:DM.Notice> Node State[1] = INIT
04/22/2008 20:41:46.08 <Info:HAL.Sys.Info> Hal initialization done.
04/22/2008 20:41:44.62 <> telnetd listening on port 23
04/22/2008 20:41:43.65 <Info:HAL.Sys.Info> Starting hal initialization ....
04/22/2008 20:41:40.36 <Noti:DM.Notice> DM started
04/22/2008 20:41:40.11 <Noti:NM.Notice> NM started
04/22/2008 20:41:39.35 <Noti:EPM.start> EPM Started
04/22/2008 20:41:37.61 <Noti:EPM.wd_warm_reset> Changing to watchdog warm reset mode
04/22/2008 20:40:35.19 <Warn:EPM.all_shutdown> Shutting down all processes
04/22/2008 20:40:34.86 <Warn:EPM.reboot> Rebooting with reason
04/22/2008 20:36:34.99 <Warn:EPM.Upgrade.State> Upgrade status Start upgrade timer
04/22/2008 20:33:30.99 <Erro:nl.mac.MacListEmpty> Mac authentication was initiated, but mac-list for virtual router VR-Default is empty
04/22/2008 20:04:32.04 <Erro:nl.mac.MacListEmpty> Previous message repeated 3 additional times in the last 1413 second(s)
04/22/2008 19:43:33.71 <Warn:DM.Warning> devmgr does not have a connection to Backup to checkpoint

Setup CS-A
Setup CS-B
Setup Distribution Switch
Setup Student Switch

# --------------------------
# unconfigure switch
# --------------------------

unconfigure switch all

# --------------------------
# answer the questions
# --------------------------


# --------------------------
# disable all ports
# remove ports from default vlan
# --------------------------

disable ports all
configure vlan default delete port all

# --------------------------
# setup default vlan to support vPC
# --------------------------

configure vlan default add port 24

unconfigure vlan default ipaddress
configure vlan default ipaddress 192.168.<LG#>.1
configure snmp sysname SS-0<LG#>
save configuration ss-0<LG#>-netlogin-lab-init

# --------------------------
# make sure that the vPC can ping the switch
# ping 192.168.<LG#>.1
# --------------------------

# --------------------------
# Part X: Displaying the Network Login Configuration
# --------------------------
# --------------------------
# 1.  Make sure that the MAC-based Network Login service is not configured.
# --------------------------
show netlogin mac

(Software Update Required) (.18)VLAB-R1-X350-245.28 # show netlogin mac
n mac-list

NetLogin Authentication Mode : web-based DISABLED;  802.1x DISABLED;  mac-based DISABLED
NetLogin VLAN                : <Not Configured>
NetLogin move-fail-action    : Deny
NetLogin Client Aging Time   : 5 minutes
Dynamic VLAN Creation        : Disabled
Dynamic VLAN Uplink Ports    : None

          MAC Mode Global Configuration
Authentication Database         : Radius, Local-User database

# --------------------------
# 2. Verify that the local MAC database (a list of MAC addresses that
# is stored on the switch) is empty.
# --------------------------
show netlogin mac-list

(Software Update Required) (.18)VLAB-R1-X350-245.29 # show netlogin mac-list
(Software Update Required) (.18)VLAB-R1-X350-245.30 #

# --------------------------
# Part X: Configuring the Network Login VLAN
# The Network Login VLAN is an internal VLAN that enables the system to
# access the Network Login Service. You will not add any ports to this
# VLAN, however, later in this lab, you will configure ports to use the
# Network Login Service.
# --------------------------
# --------------------------
# 1.  Create a VLAN to support the Network Login service.
# --------------------------
create vlan netlogin_vlan
# --------------------------
# 2.  Associate the VLAN to the Network Login Service.
# --------------------------
configure netlogin vlan netlogin_vlan
# --------------------------
# Part X: Configuring MAC address authentication
# --------------------------
# --------------------------
# 1.  Enable MAC address authentication option of the Network Login Service.
# --------------------------
enable netlogin mac
# --------------------------
# 2.  Configure the MAC address authentication process to use the local
# database. The options available are local and radius. The system will
# search either the local database and the RADIUS database in the order in
# which the options are entered. If the local option is entered first, then
# the local database will be interigated before the RADIUS database. You may
# also configure the system to only search local or RADIUS databases by only
# entering one of the two options.
# --------------------------
configure netlogin mac authentication database-order local
# --------------------------
# make sure that the vPC can ping the switch
# ping 192.168.<LG#>.1
# --------------------------
# --------------------------
# 3.  Select the ports that will subscribe to the Network Login Service.
# --------------------------
enable netlogin ports 24 mac
# --------------------------
# make sure that the vPC can no longer ping the switch
# ping 192.168.<LG#>.1
# --------------------------
# --------------------------
# Part X: Managing Authorized MAC Addresses
# There are two parts to managing the authorized MAC Addresses.
# The first part is to create an entry in the MAC address database.
# The second part is to create a corresponding entry in the user
# database for the configured MAC address.
# --------------------------
# --------------------------
# 1.  Add the MAC addresses to the local database. MAC addresses are
# entered using the colon as a seperator. For example, 00:00:05:00:FB:01.
# --------------------------
configure netlogin add mac-list <pc_mac_address>
# --------------------------
# Add MAC-based users to the local database. When entering the following
# command, you will substitue the user-name and password options with the
# MAC address of the IP phone. When entering the MAC address, enter the MAC
# address used in the last step, omitting the colon (:) character. For
# instance, the MAC address from the example above would be entered as
# 00000500FB01.
# To determine the MAC (physical) address of your vPC, enter the command
# 'ipconfig /all' at a command prompt.
# --------------------------
create netlogin local-user <user-name> <password>
# --------------------------
# Part X: Testing the configuration
# --------------------------

# --------------------------
# Part X: Displaying the configuration
# --------------------------
show netlogin

Configuration saved to primary.cfg successfully.
(.18)VLAB-R1-X350-24t.10 # show netlogin

NetLogin Authentication Mode : web-based DISABLED;  802.1x DISABLED;  mac-based ENABLED
NetLogin VLAN                : "netlogin_vlan"
NetLogin move-fail-action    : Deny
NetLogin Client Aging Time   : 5 minutes
Dynamic VLAN Creation        : Disabled
Dynamic VLAN Uplink Ports    : None

        Web-based Mode Global Configuration
Base-URL                 :
Default-Redirect-Page    : ENABLED;
Logout-privilege         : YES
Netlogin Session-Refresh : ENABLED; 3 minute(s) 0 second(s)
Refresh failures allowed : 0
Reauthenticate on refresh: Disabled
Authentication Database  : Radius, Local-User database
Proxy Ports              : 80(http),443(https)

        802.1x Mode Global Configuration
Quiet Period                    : 60
Supplicant Response Timeout     : 30
Re-authentication period        : 3600
Max Re-authentications          : 3
RADIUS server timeout           : 30
EAPOL MPDU version to transmit  : v1
Authentication Database         : Radius

          MAC Mode Global Configuration

MAC Address/Mask      Password (encrypted)            Port(s)
--------------------  ------------------------------  ------------------------
00:1C:23:0F:0A:45/48  <not configured>                any

Re-authentication period        : 0 (Re-authentication disabled)
Authentication Database         : Local-User database

Port: 24,  Vlan: Default,  State: Enabled,  Authentication: mac-based
Guest Vlan <Not Configured>: Disabled
Authentication Failure Vlan <Not Configured>: Disabled
Authentication Service-Unavailable Vlan <Not Configured>: Disabled

MAC                IP address       Authenticated  Type    ReAuth-Timer   User
00:1c:23:0f:0a:45     Yes, Locally   MAC     0              001C230F0A45

show netlogin mac

(.18)VLAB-R1-X350-24t.11 # show netlogin mac

NetLogin Authentication Mode : web-based DISABLED;  802.1x DISABLED;  mac-based ENABLED
NetLogin VLAN                : "netlogin_vlan"
NetLogin move-fail-action    : Deny
NetLogin Client Aging Time   : 5 minutes
Dynamic VLAN Creation        : Disabled
Dynamic VLAN Uplink Ports    : None

          MAC Mode Global Configuration

MAC Address/Mask      Password (encrypted)            Port(s)
--------------------  ------------------------------  ------------------------
00:1C:23:0F:0A:45/48  <not configured>                any

Re-authentication period        : 0 (Re-authentication disabled)
Authentication Database         : Local-User database

Port: 24,  Vlan: Default,  State: Enabled,  Authentication: mac-based
Guest Vlan <Not Configured>: Disabled
Authentication Failure Vlan <Not Configured>: Disabled
Authentication Service-Unavailable Vlan <Not Configured>: Disabled

MAC                IP address       Authenticated  Type    ReAuth-Timer   User
00:1c:23:0f:0a:45     Yes, Locally   MAC     0              001C230F0A45

show netlogin port 24
(.18)VLAB-R1-X350-24t.12 # show netlogin port 24
Port                          : 24
Port Restart                  : Disabled
Allow Egress                  : None
Vlan                          : Default
Authentication                : mac-based
Port State                    : Enabled
Guest Vlan                    : Disabled
Auth Failure Vlan             : Disabled
Auth Service-Unavailable Vlan : Disabled

MAC                IP address       Authenticated  Type    ReAuth-Timer   User
00:1c:23:0f:0a:45     Yes, Locally   MAC     0              001C230F0A45

show log messages memory-buffer

(.18)VLAB-R1-X350-24t.13 # show log messages memory-buffer
04/22/2008 20:55:44.62 <Info:AAA.authPass> Login passed for user admin through serial
04/22/2008 20:43:26.99 <Noti:DM.Notice> Setting hwclock time to system time, and broadcasting time
04/22/2008 20:42:19.49 <Info:nl.ClientAuthenticated> Network Login MAC user 001C230F0A45 logged in MAC 00:1C:23:0F:0A:45 port 24 VLAN(s) "Default", authentication Locally
04/22/2008 20:42:14.61 <Info:vlan.msgs.portLinkStateUp> Port 24 link UP at speed 1 Gbps and full-duplex
04/22/2008 20:42:12.35 <Info:HAL.Sys.Info> Internal power supply operational.
04/22/2008 20:42:12.18 <Info:vlan.msgs.portLinkStateUp> Port Mgmt link UP at speed 100 Mbps and full-duplex
04/22/2008 20:42:12.17 <Info:HAL.Card.Info> Switch is operational
04/22/2008 20:42:07.92 <Noti:EPM.system_stable> System is stable. Change to warm reset mode
04/22/2008 20:42:04.57 <Info:EPM.wdg_enable> Watchdog enabled
04/22/2008 20:41:54.87 <Info:DOSProt.Init> DOS protect application started successfully
04/22/2008 20:41:54.84 <> **** telnetd started *****
04/22/2008 20:41:50.52 <Noti:DM.Notice> Node State[3] = OPERATIONAL
04/22/2008 20:41:50.22 <> **** tftpd started *****
04/22/2008 20:41:47.31 <Info:nl.init> Network Login framework has been initialized
04/22/2008 20:41:47.02 <Noti:DM.Notice> Node State[2] = STANDBY
04/22/2008 20:41:47.02 <Info:DM.Info> Node INIT DONE ....
04/22/2008 20:41:46.51 <Noti:DM.Notice> Node State[1] = INIT
04/22/2008 20:41:46.08 <Info:HAL.Sys.Info> Hal initialization done.
04/22/2008 20:41:44.62 <> telnetd listening on port 23
04/22/2008 20:41:43.65 <Info:HAL.Sys.Info> Starting hal initialization ....
04/22/2008 20:41:40.36 <Noti:DM.Notice> DM started
04/22/2008 20:41:40.11 <Noti:NM.Notice> NM started
04/22/2008 20:41:39.35 <Noti:EPM.start> EPM Started
04/22/2008 20:41:37.61 <Noti:EPM.wd_warm_reset> Changing to watchdog warm reset mode
04/22/2008 20:40:35.19 <Warn:EPM.all_shutdown> Shutting down all processes
04/22/2008 20:40:34.86 <Warn:EPM.reboot> Rebooting with reason
04/22/2008 20:36:34.99 <Warn:EPM.Upgrade.State> Upgrade status Start upgrade timer
04/22/2008 20:33:30.99 <Erro:nl.mac.MacListEmpty> Mac authentication was initiated, but mac-list for virtual router VR-Default is empty
04/22/2008 20:04:32.04 <Erro:nl.mac.MacListEmpty> Previous message repeated 3 additional times in the last 1413 second(s)
04/22/2008 19:43:33.71 <Warn:DM.Warning> devmgr does not have a connection to Backup to checkpoint